"Emma", by Jane Austen Rank Occurances Percentage 1-tuple (of 159674) 1 5204 3.2591405% the 2 5186 3.2478675% to 3 4881 3.0568533% and 4 4292 2.6879768% of 5 3188 1.9965680% i 6 3126 1.9577389% a 7 2529 1.5838521% it 8 2482 1.5544171% her 9 2400 1.5030625% was 10 2364 1.4805166% she 11 2174 1.3615241% in 12 2151 1.3471198% not 13 1999 1.2519258% you 14 1975 1.2368952% be 15 1811 1.1341859% he 16 1800 1.1272969% that 17 1626 1.0183248% had 18 1441 0.9024638% but 19 1437 0.8999587% as 20 1347 0.8435938% for 21 1321 0.8273106% have 22 1243 0.7784611% is 23 1218 0.7628042% with 24 1210 0.7577940% very 25 1150 0.7202174% his 26 1032 0.6463169% at 27 972 0.6087403% so 28 924 0.5786791% mr 29 846 0.5298295% all 30 837 0.5241930% could 31 820 0.5135464% would 32 785 0.4916267% emma 33 770 0.4822325% him 34 760 0.4759698% been 35 737 0.4615654% no 36 732 0.4584341% my 37 691 0.4327567% on 38 654 0.4095845% any 39 637 0.3989378% do 40 602 0.3770182% miss 41 601 0.3763919% were 42 584 0.3657452% mrs 43 575 0.3601087% me 44 571 0.3576036% must 45 569 0.3563511% by 46 559 0.3500883% will 47 556 0.3482095% which 48 551 0.3450781% there 49 546 0.3419467% from 50 541 0.3388153% they 51 530 0.3319263% what 52 526 0.3294212% this 53 494 0.3093804% or 54 489 0.3062490% such 55 486 0.3043702% much 56 485 0.3037439% if 57 484 0.3031176% said 58 469 0.2937235% more 59 463 0.2899658% an 60 455 0.2849556% are 61 443 0.2774403% one 62 436 0.2730564% them 63 435 0.2724301% every 64 415 0.2599046% than 65 414 0.2592783% am 66 413 0.2586520% harriet 67 397 0.2486316% thing 68 384 0.2404900% think 69 379 0.2373586% well 70 371 0.2323484% should 71 370 0.2317221% how 72 367 0.2298433% your 73 364 0.2279645% when 74 361 0.2260856% little 75 358 0.2242068% being 76 357 0.2235805% we 77 357 0.2235805% never 78 353 0.2210754% did 79 350 0.2191966% weston 80 341 0.2135601% only 81 337 0.2110550% know 82 326 0.2041660% might 83 314 0.1966507% good 84 313 0.1960244% now 85 312 0.1953981% say 86 310 0.1941456% knightley 87 304 0.1903879% their 88 303 0.1897616% own 89 295 0.1847514% who 90 283 0.1772361% can 91 282 0.1766098% quite 92 281 0.1759836% jane 93 279 0.1747310% herself 94 278 0.1741047% time 95 272 0.1703471% elton 96 270 0.1690945% woodhouse 97 265 0.1659631% some 98 265 0.1659631% great 99 254 0.1590741% too 100 254 0.1590741% nothing