Linux / FreeBSD keyboard.

Linux / Unix
Security, Administration, Virtualization and More

Getting Started

Linux Installation, Booting, and System Design

User and System Administration Commands

The Linux Kernel


Kerberos, LDAP, Samba, and Active Directory

Linux and Security

FreeBSD and OpenBSD

Web and Electronic Mail — Firefox, Chrome, Thunderbird, Nginx, and Apache

Devices and Multimedia

Fixing the Problems Causing Warning and Error Messages

Raspberry Pi

Which model and how much memory?

$ cat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model
$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
Raspberry Pi starter kit with aluminum case
Amazon B07XTRFD3Z


CyanogenMod on Samsung Galaxy Smart Phones

Other Varied Linux/Unix Topics

An especially useless Windows error message
Stupid Microsoft useless warning.

Windows, if we must

